If You Vote for Hillary, You Become One of the Animals’ Biggest Enemies

live export slaughterMost animal activists love animals. But many do not love them quite enough.

Not quite enough to stop eating them. Not quite enough to avoid voting for their enemies. Not quite enough to even bother to find out who those enemies are.

Most animal activists are politically liberal. As such, they tend to listen to liberal pundits and politicians. And they tend to drink liberal Kool Aid.

A perfect example is the near unanimity of opinion among animal people that Donald Trump is a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, etc.

The beneficiary of this opinion is Hillary Clinton.

And animal activists who buy the propaganda about Trump do not love animals quite enough to take a hard look at Hillary Clinton.

Many are swept up in the euphoria of the potential that we will have a woman president. Many just have priorities that are more important to them than are the animals. Many are swayed by family, by celebrities, by the media.

Few seem influenced by the animals.

Because if animals influenced how animal activists voted, nearly every animal activist would be supporting Donald Trump.

Not because Trump cares about animals. He doesn’t.

Not because he is enlightened about animal suffering and exploitation. He isn’t.


That is almost a billion animals in his first term.

To put that in perspective, the entire worldwide animal movement has only saved about 50 million animals over the last 50 years!

Trump would save 20 times that number with the stroke of a pen!


Trump has promised to abrogate our trade agreements.

Trade agreements cause the murders of hundreds of millions of animals each year. Trade agreements make animal copses cheaper to produce and more profitable. US corporations use Third World labor and non-existent food safety and anti-cruelty laws to close American meat packing plants and slaughterhouses and then import the corpses to the US for sale. American workers lose jobs. American consumers buy meat produced in violation of US labor laws, US environmental laws, and US anti-cruelty laws. The trade agreements even require that the US ban Country of Origin labeling to prevent consumer backlash and boycotts. Last year, the Obama administration passed the ban on Country of Origin labeling!

Trump’s opposition to trade agreements has been the mainstay of his campaign. And Bernie Sanders’ campaign as well.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton negotiated the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Mother of All Trade Agreements. Clinton called it the “gold standard of trade agreements.” Once Bernie entered the race, Hillary recanted her support for TPP.

The TPP will cause the murders of several billion animals each year. And it appears Hillary Clinton is positioning herself to embrace the TPP if she is elected.

Hillary instructed her delegates to block Bernie Sanders call to make opposition to the TPP part of the Democratic platform.

The Republicans are officially opposed to the TPP, the Democrats are not!

The bottom line for animal activists is that Hillary Clinton will enforce our existing trade agreements, and may well embrace the TPP.

Donald Trump will abrogate our trade agreements and save more animals than has any person in history.

Not rocket science, folks!

If you vote for Hillary you are dooming almost a billion animals to death.

I doubt the animals would consider you an ally. Because you are not.

You are voting to kill a billion animals. Think about that for a moment.

You become one of the animals biggest enemies.



Amory Notes:

I am unaware of any other blog with the Armory’s mission of radicalizing the animal movement. I certainly hope I am not alone, and that there are similar sentiments being expressed by comrades unknown to me.

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31 thoughts on “If You Vote for Hillary, You Become One of the Animals’ Biggest Enemies

  1. Pingback: Hillary Is Running a Scam on Animal Activists | Armory of the Revolution

  2. Activists who believe Hillary’s website promises to help animals don’t seem to know that much about animal rights or Hillary Clinton.

    On her campaign website, Hillary promises to promote animal welfare, and the list includes protecting wildlife in the U.S., combatting international wildlife trafficking, protecting pets, protecting farm animals, and protecting horses.

    In the interests of space, just looking at the last two “protections” raises questions.

    Hillary will help horses by “cracking down” on the practice of horse soring. This is an abuse of Tennessee walking horses which involves burning their legs or hooves with caustic agents, such as mustard oil, so the resulting pain will promote the exaggerated gait the trainers and owners want.

    This was the first big cause I heard about and worked on, writing letter after letter to Congress, making follow-up calls, and getting petitions signed. In 1970 the Horse Protection Act was passed, and that looked like a big victory. Wrong! It is now 2016—46 years later—and there is another bill waiting in Congress. It is called the PAST Act (Prevent All Soring Tactics). Thus in the intervening years since the Horse Protect Act, horses have continued to be tortured. The PAST Act has several competing bills which are weaker and will not completely curtail the abuses. And so far both bills are awaiting further action. In the meantime, Hillary promises to “crack down.”

    Hillary also promises to help farm animals “by encouraging farms to raise animals humanely.”

    Currently there are no federal laws governing conditions in which farm animals are raised and how they must be treated. Most farm animals are excluded from all the anti-cruelty laws which cover other domestic animals. And the “standard agricultural practices” which are tolerated are inherently cruel, such as castrations, dehorning, and tail docking without anesthesia. There are no laws requiring sick or injured animals to receive veterinary care. Pigs can be kept in crates too small for them to roll over, and veal calves are also confined in tiny spaces and refused proper nutrition so that they will be anemic and their meat will be pale. Chickens have the tips of their beaks burned off without any pain relief. The birds raised for food have been deliberately bred to grow too big and too fast and are thus subject to cardiopulmonary problems (difficulty breathing and heart attacks). As for “euthanasia,” that may consist of throwing sick and injured baby pigs onto concrete floors until they’re mortally injured, throwing animals on a “dead pile” to die, or, in the case of baby male chicks, allowing them to suffocate in plastic garbage bags or tossing the still living birds in macerators.

    The name of the game for Big Ag is to increase the bottom line by squeezing the most out of the animals by any means necessary to get the biggest number to market in the fastest manner for the most money. The suffering undergone by the animals is not considered.

    Mercy For Animals, Compassion Over Killing, and PETA have done multiple undercover investigations of pig farms, dairy farms, and poultry/egg farms. They have documented every horror listed above, including restrained cows being hit in the face and body by crowbars or poked with pitchforks, sick and injured (downed) cows repeatedly kicked in the face and body to make them get up, pigs with pus-filled pressure sores and no care, and baby pigs with ruptured intestines from botched castrations. Sick chickens are seen crammed into tiny cages with injured beaks and sores covering bare skins. Dead and dying birds are shown littering the floor beneath the stacks of cages.

    So Hillary is going to help those doomed beings by “encouraging” the likes of Big Ag to treat them humanely. Really? Will President Clinton’s encouragement make pig farmers abandon gestation crates and shame dairy farmers into treating their cows better? Will egg and chicken producers throw out the battery cages and advertise their happy free-range birds? Will enough encouragement prompt producers to find forever loving homes for their baby chicks instead of grinding them up?

    The only way to stop the tortured lives of farm animals is the passage of comprehensive laws with the intent of strict enforcement and swift and severe punishment for abusers. To do that would require taking on one of the country’s biggest, wealthiest, and most powerful corporate entities—Big Ag—with its army of lobbyists and virtually bottomless ability to fund (or not fund) campaigns. That does not sound like a political battle Hillary Clinton would be interested in. It does not sound like something Big Ag’s minions in Congress would support. They care about their bottom lines too.

    So Hillary Clinton’s pledge to help animals by “cracking down” on bad behavior and “encouraging” the greedy and abusive to reform is difficult to take seriously.

    As for Hillary’s lost opportunities while Secretary of State, such as calling international attention to bullfighting, whaling, trophy hunting, etc., it is hard to know what might have happened if she had spoken out.

    Others have not been as reticent to be heard, but there were consequences. For example, in 2014 Caroline Kennedy, who had recently been appointed ambassador to Japan, noted on Twitter that she thought the Cove dolphin killing was cruel and inhumane. That evoked a swift and negative response from Japan. The Japanese were astonished that anyone would criticize its cultural traditions and called the tweet improper. They also called America hypocritical for wanting to save dolphins while killing millions of cows, pigs, and chickens. Lawmaker Masayhiso Sato suggested that Ambassador Kennedy was acting inappropriately in her official role by criticizing his country.

    Robert Dujarrie, the director of the Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies at Temple University of Japan said Kennedy’s tweet could cause problems between the U.S. and Japan. According to Dujarrie, “There are far more important questions between the U.S. and Japan. The key to dolphin business is getting Japan to oppose it. But will this help? Or on the contrary, will it start a nationalistic reaction against meddling by a [foreign] country.”


    The question is, How much would Hillary be willing to risk if speaking up for animals meant upsetting diplomatic relations or even causing a backlash that might lead to withheld favors or funds? What would she be willing to risk for animals who will give her nothing in return?

    These are questions Clinton supporters need to ask themselves. They may find multiple reasons to vote for her. But her professed concern for animals and promise to help them should not be one of them.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Isn’t that the truth! People can listen just to the “news” they want to hear. Oh well. Those who vote for Clinton may get just what they deserve, but the rest of us will also get what they deserve.


  3. Polititicans can change their minds on issues if new info comes to them. A smart person will change their stance. If you go to the TPP website they claim to be a benefit to animals. There is NO reason to vote for Horrible Donald against Hillary. For reasons more than animals.


    • The litmus test I employ for all candidates in all elections is simple and straight forward. Will the animal suffer more or less if this person is elected? Hillary fails the test handily. She supports trade agreements which murder hundreds of millions of animals. She helped negotiate the TPP and called it the gold standard of trade deals. She only denounced it when Bernie started kicking her ass over it. When she recanted, she spoke about “adjustments” that needed to be made. She did not come out against the horrific live export trade, in which sheep and lambs, and calves are stuffed in cargo ships and shipped halfway around the world for ritual slaughter and religious sacrifice. Why not? Why would that be alright? Because Hillary is in bed with Saudi Arabia, one of the biggest purchasers of live animals for ritual slaughter and animal sacrifice.
      Hillary’s delegates, on orders from Hillary, voted down Bernie Sanders proposal to oppose the TPP in the Democratic platform. Then she picked a TPP supporter as her VP. And the governor of Virginia, one of Bill and Hillary’s closest political allies and friends, leaked the info that Hillary would be supporting the TPP one elected.
      The woman is scum. Her interest in animals is as ephemeral as is her interest in blacks or other minorities. She is apolitical windsock who is owned by Goldman Sachs.
      Hillary calls herself a progressive.
      If you are a progressive:
      It is not OK to lie to the people.
      It is not OK to rig elections.
      It is not OK to have a foreign policy like Dick Cheney’s.
      It is not OK to support our disastrous trade agreements.
      It is not OK to take bribes from Goldman Sachs.
      It is not OK to be a mouthpiece for Monsanto.
      It is not OK to support fracking.
      It is not OK to to oppose universal healthcare.
      It is not OK to support the death penalty.
      It is not OK to oppose legalizing pot.
      It is not OK to take money from the private prison industry.
      If you have done these things, you do not deserve to have progressives vote for you.
      You do not deserve to be elected to any office, let alone the presidency.

      Liked by 1 person

    • You make ny point about people loving animals, but not quite loving them enough to examine what they do to them. Not quite enough to stop eating them, not quite enough to stop voting for their tormentors, not quite enough to bother discovering who the enemies of animals are. And not quite enough to abandon their political correctness.


  4. Hillary does not support TPP by the way! Etiher does kaine. You need to go read hillarys issues page! She is an animal supporter. what are Trumps views on animals? STEAKS? Sawed off elephants tails? Holy crap wake up. Trump thinks climate change is a hoax! stop being a Trump troll its very unsightly! #DumpTrump

    As president, Hillary will:

    Protect wildlife in the United States by keeping public lands public—not auctioning them off to the highest bidder—and making more resources available to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners who are taking steps to conserve our wildlife, lands, and waters.

    Combat international wildlife trafficking by shutting down the U.S. market for illegal wildlife products and combating international animal trafficking and poaching, which harms the environment and fuels terrorist activity.

    Protect pets and domesticated animals by making sure facilities like animal breeders, zoos, and research institutions create plans to protect the animals in their care during disasters; strengthening regulations of “puppy mills” and other harmful commercial breeding facilities; and supporting the

    Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act.

    Protect farm animals from inhumane treatment by encouraging farms to raise animals humanely and working to eliminate the use of antibiotics in farm animals for non-therapeutic reasons.

    Protect horses by ending the slaughter of horses for human consumption and cracking down on the practice of horse soring, in which chemicals or other inhumane methods are applied to horses’ limbs to exaggerate their gait.

    Hillary has a strong record of standing up for animal rights:

    As U.S. senator from New York, Hillary spearheaded efforts to prohibit the U.S. Department of Agriculture from buying chickens for the federal school lunch program that have been injected with therapeutic antibiotics. She pushed for stricter FDA review of animal drugs, co-sponsored legislation to protect animal rights and prohibit animal fighting, and earned a perfect score from The Humane Society Legislative Fund.
    As secretary of state, Hillary elevated U.S. efforts to combat poaching and wildlife trafficking and promote conservation.
    As president, Hillary will:

    Protect wildlife in the United States by keeping public lands public—not auctioning them off to the highest bidder—and making more resources available to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners who are taking steps to conserve our wildlife, lands, and waters.
    Combat international wildlife trafficking by shutting down the U.S. market for illegal wildlife products and combating international animal trafficking and poaching, which harms the environment and fuels terrorist activity.
    Protect pets and domesticated animals by making sure facilities like animal breeders, zoos, and research institutions create plans to protect the animals in their care during disasters; strengthening regulations of “puppy mills” and other harmful commercial breeding facilities; and supporting the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act.
    Protect farm animals from inhumane treatment by encouraging farms to raise animals humanely and working to eliminate the use of antibiotics in farm animals for non-therapeutic reasons.
    Protect horses by ending the slaughter of horses for human consumption and cracking down on the practice of horse soring, in which chemicals or other inhumane methods are applied to horses’ limbs to exaggerate their gait.
    Hillary has a strong record of standing up for animal rights:

    As U.S. senator from New York, Hillary spearheaded efforts to prohibit the U.S. Department of Agriculture from buying chickens for the federal school lunch program that have been injected with therapeutic antibiotics. She pushed for stricter FDA review of animal drugs, co-sponsored legislation to protect animal rights and prohibit animal fighting, and earned a perfect score from The Humane Society Legislative Fund.
    As secretary of state, Hillary elevated U.S. efforts to combat poaching and wildlife trafficking and promote conservation.


    • Did you miss this?

      Trump has promised to abrogate our trade agreements.
      Trade agreements cause the murders of hundreds of millions of animals each year. Trade agreements make animal copses cheaper to produce and more profitable. US corporations use Third World labor and non-existent food safety and anti-cruelty laws to close American meat packing plants and slaughterhouses and then import the corpses to the US for sale. American workers lose jobs. American consumers buy meat produced in violation of Us labor laws, Us environmental laws, and US anti-cruelty laws. The trade agreements even require that the US ban Country of Origin labeling to prevent consumer backlash and boycotts. Last year, the Obama administration passed the ban on Country of Origin labeling!
      Trump’s opposition to trade agreements has been the mainstay of his campaign. And Bernie Sanders’ campaign as well.
      As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton negotiated the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Mother of All Trade Agreements. Clinton called it the “gold standard of trade agreements.” Once Bernie entered the race, Hillary recanted her support for TPP.
      The TPP will cause the murders of several billion animals each year. And it appears Hillary Clinton is positioning herself to embrace the TPP if she is elected.
      Hillary instructed her delegates to block Bernie Sanders call to make opposition to the TPP part of the Democratic platform.
      The Republican are officially opposed to the TPP, the Democrats are not!
      The bottom line for animal activists is that Hillary Clinton will enforce our existing trade agreements, and may well embrace the TPP.
      Donald Trump will abrogate our trade agreements and save more animals than has any person in history.
      Not rocket science, folks!
      If you vote for Hillary you are dooming almost a billion animals to death.
      I doubt the animals would consider you an ally. Because you are not.
      You become one of the animals biggest enemies.


    • Hillary’s animal record is a joke. She talked a good line while in the Senate, then promptly forgot everything she said she believed when she started taking the big bucks from Big Pharma, Wall Street, and Monsanto. She was pat of the Obama administration, the worst for animals in American history. She has promised to continue Obama’s policies. Wild horse roundups, Wildlife Services, appointing Big Ag hacks to Agriculture and Interior. We know what she is. We know she is evil. We know she is the status quo, and we know the status quo is the worst for animals. Animal suffering and exploitation has never been worse for animals than it is today. Hillary will not change anything. She is owned by the people who want to do animals harm. Big Agriculture and Big Pharmaceuticals.

      Many, if not most, animal activists are too invested in the politics of breaking the glass ceiling or believing the establishment propaganda about Trump to take a hard look at Hillary. Most refuse to look. are incapable of admitting they might be wrong, and are perfectly willing for animals to pay with their lives for the mistakes of their so-called champions.

      For way too many in the animal movement, the movement is not about advocating for animals or trying to save as many as possible. For many, it is about posturing to have others believe they care about animals.


      • You do realize that trump can not just eraticate the TPP right?!? Congress has to agree to it. That is how things work in this country. Trump is dangerous with every other issue sorry but rights of women, LGBTQ, vetrans and immigrants are way more important than a trade deal that will more than likely stay regardless of who the president is. Not to mention we exported and imported meat from other countries way before the TPP was created. Trump doesnt give a shit about animals or people for that matter he just wants ingnorant people to believe his lies and vote for him.


      • One thing at a time! First, TPP has not been ratified by Congress. If Trump is elected it never will be. The Republicans in Congress were the ones who gave Trade Promotion Authority (Fast Track) to Obama. Democrats overwhelmingly opposed TPP. The Republican platform is now opposed to TPP.

        And to suggest that rights of women are more important than trade deals is a false equivalency. Of course peoples’ rights are more important than trade deals, but our existing trade deals erode those rights, as does TPP.
        Waving around the lunatic positions of Republicans is what the Democratic leadership wants you to do. You must be frightened into voting for them as the much lesser evil. What you ignore in all this is that whether Trump or Hillary is elected, neither will be able to get ANYTHING controversial or of consequence though Congress. So your fears are being used to guarantee the status quo. And the status quo is the worst for animals. Never in human history have animals suffered as they do today. And nothing Clinton says or does will change that, because she IS the status quo.


  5. Green Party

    On Jul 31, 2016 10:30 AM, “Armory of the Revolution” wrote:

    > Roland Vincent posted: “Most animal activists love animals. But many do > not love them quite enough. Not quite enough to stop eating them. Not quite > enough to avoid voting for their enemies. Not quite enough to even bother > to find out who those enemies are. Most animal acti” >


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