Meat Is Murder? We Don’t Act Like It Is

As animal activists, everything we believe in and stand for militates for us to rise up in revolt against the horrors of the Animal Holocaust.

The torture and murders of 150 million animals each day in slaughterhouses amply justifies armed insurrection, the storming of the halls of government, the burning down of slaughterhouses, packing plants, meat wholesalers, chain markets, restaurants, and the arrest of everyone involved in the atrocities, from the members of the boards of directors of the major Big Ag companies to the grunts who wield the knives.

If we truly believe that every life is precious, that animals have as much right to live as do we, that meat is murder, we would take to the streets. We would shoot the enemies as we found them. We would sabotage the trucks, take the killers by force, track down their bosses, exact justice for all the lives taken, all the pain and terror inflicted. For all of the horrors.

Of course, were we to do so now, we would fail.

But that is no excuse for failing to plan on making revolution a success.

How can we go on like nothing is wrong? How can we watch TV, go to movies, take vacations, celebrate Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, while a BILLION animals a week are being murdered? If they were a billion children having their throats cut would we act differently? I fear we would.

For every animal we try to save we should be planning on taking out a capitalist responsible for animal misery and death.

For every day that goes by our resolve and militancy should increase by orders of magnitude.

One hundred thousand animals were murdered while you were reading this. 100,000!

To end the Animal Holocaust will require direct action. It will require bringing down our current political and economic systems.

It will require revolution.

The revolution may be years or decades away. But we can work toward that day when we bring the killing of innocent animals to an end.

Working toward that end means recruiting, educating, training and organizing revolutionaries.

With enough revolutionaries, we can topple the government, and bring an end to the Animal Holocaust.

5 thoughts on “Meat Is Murder? We Don’t Act Like It Is

  1. Dear Roland, there is a scenario, similar to the situation when slavery was abolished in the US, that will happen wars to liberate animals, because the economic interests of the meat industry in many countries will be threatened. So may be initiated by revolution and major revolts and I do not exclude this possibility in the future when people realize what’s happening.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I completely agree with your goals of ending factory farming, but i don’t think a violent revolution is the optimal method to achieve that. How many people would be required to successfully overthrow a government? What percentage of the population would need to by sympathetic to the cause? Whatever the number is considering how few vegans would support that currently in order for the amount of revolutionary vegans to get to the required numbers, anti speciesist ideas would need to be much more widely held in the general population. Remember, as soon as we get 50-60 percent of the population to be veg*an, then the government will just shutdown factory farming and there will be no need for a revolution.


    • Unless the entirety of English Common law is changed, animal slaughter will continue even if 90% of the population is vegan. And there is no chance whatsoever that vegans will get even close to 10% of the population, as we are not keeping pace with the exploding population of carnists.

      Revolution is the only chance animals have. Otherwise the billions murdered every year will just continue to increase.

      Meanwhile, we owe it to those animals trapped in the food system to try to alleviate their suffering. Every single animal now alive in the system will be brutally murdered, as will countless future generations. Until we can revolt we must use political action to defeat the conservatives who enable the capitalist animal genocide.


      • Well I’m not sure if the situation is more legally complicated in England, but where I live (Australia) and also i think in the US, if 60 percent of people were vegan one or both of the major political parties would incorporate the end of factory farming into its policy platform and then when that party gets into power they would make factory farming illegal. Why wouldn’t this work?

        On the other hand lets look at your proposal, you say that ” vegans will get even close to 10% of the population” so lets say we get to the point where 5 percent of people are vegans and 20 percent of those vegans support a violent revolution. How do you propose to overthrow the UK and US government with only 1 percent of the population supporting the revolution? Like actually try to imagine it in concrete details. It seems impossible to me.

        But like i said i completely support your goals. IF a violent revolution was possible i completely think the loss of human life that would be necessary would be worth it to end factory farming. I just don’t think it is possible.


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