Sanders Warns That His Supporters Will Not Automatically Support Clinton

Sanders Warns That His Supporters Will Not Automatically Support Clinton If She Is The Nominee

April 19, 2016 — Ron Chusid

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 30: U.S. Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT) speaks on his agenda for America during a news conference on Capitol Hill April 30, 2015 in Washington, DC. Sen. Sanders sent out an e-mail earlier to announce that he will run for U.S. president. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Liberal Values


A big question for Sanders’ supporters has been what to do should Clinton win the Democratic nomination. This nomination battle differs from other recent battles in the vast ideological difference between many of those supporting Sanders and Hillary Clinton. I previously looked at some of the reasons that some Sanders supporters might not vote for Clinton here. The normal pattern is for the losing candidate to endorse the winning candidate. That does not mean that the losing candidate’s supporters will go along, and Bernie pointed out that he realizes his supporters will not automatically support Clinton if she wins:

Bernie Sanders says Hillary Clinton shouldn’t expect his supporters to automatically back her should she win the Democratic presidential nomination.

It’s a two-way street, the Clinton people are also going to have to listen to what these people are fighting for,” Sanders said during an interview on CNN’s “New Day.

The Clinton people are going to have to say, well, maybe Bernie has a point that we should not be the only major country on earth not to guarantee healthcare to all people or have paid family or medical leave. And maybe, yes, the billionaire class should start paying their fair share of taxes, and maybe, yes, we should break up Wall Street,” he said.

It’s not me. I don’t control millions of people, but the Clinton campaign is going to have to make the case to those young people that in fact they are prepared to stand up for some real, fundamental changes in this country, and that’s the case they have not yet been able to make,” Sanders said…

Sanders maintained Monday that while Clinton is the Democratic front-runner and has moved to the left on some issues during the campaign, she has not yet made the case to win over his supporters.

They’re very good at rhetoric, and certainly she has moved to the left in this campaign in response to many of the initiatives that we have brought forth,” Sanders said.

The average person understands that when you collect such large amounts of money from Wall Street and other special interests, they have their doubts whether the Clinton people will stand up to these powerful forces,” he added.

Clinton might have moved to the left on selective issues during this campaign, but she is certainly no liberal. Supporting programs to benefit women and children is admirable, but is not sufficient to make one a liberal–especially when she is a warmonger, opposes government transparency, supports the corrupting role of money in government, opposes single-payer health care, ran in 2008 as a self-described pro-gun churchgoer, worked with The Fellowship in the Senate, and supports restrictions on civil liberties. On issues such as trade, the drug war, and foreign intervention, Clinton is even to the right of Republican front runner Donald Trump (who has many faults of his own).

Preventing independents from voting in the New York primary, as well as the other irregularities there, will also not make independents supporting Sanders feel good about voting for Clinton if she wins.

I also wonder if there is more meaning to these words from Sanders. Most likely he will endorse Clinton if she is the nominee, with the understanding that his supporters will make their own decisions. However he has sounded less and less like someone who is willing to support the party if he loses, making me wonder if he is reconsidering his previous statements that he would not run as an independent.



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67 thoughts on “Sanders Warns That His Supporters Will Not Automatically Support Clinton

  1. It appears that anyone who is not a member of the main stream media or is not voting for HIlary is chastised to the fullest extent. They have given Trump (more so) and Sanders a hard way to go, attacks upon their person, beliefs and families. They twist and turn the truth into something that is unrecognizable and then they run with it. We need to see through this hypocracy and hopefully others will see through it. If Trump should get elected there will probably be riots in the street, but this is just a reflection of the unrest and dissatisfaction that is happening in our country today. It might be proper to bring this unrest into the limelight where it has been hidden for so many decades and deal wit it head on.


  2. 44% 44% 44% 44%
    Forty Four percent!!
    That’s the Independents that vote!!
    Wake Up DNC!!!
    That’s Enough to WIN AN ELECTION!!


  3. Those invested in Bernie more than actual policy issues won’t vote, if their old man crush is not on the ballot, will secretly cross their fingers in hopes of seeing Hillary defeated! For them that’s the priority; Not our country being taken backwards to a point of not being able to find its way forward for decades if not longer!
    They’ll say it’s the principle, which actually means absolutely nothing, because Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders share much more than they differ! These are people willing to allow the Republicans to have the Congress, the presidency, and the Supreme Court, long enough to do damage that will take decades to be undone! They don’t care if we lose more civil rights, more women’s reproductive rights, more environmental rights, or anything else. These are folks that will not be converted, because their hate has overcome their senses. The Glass will always be empty for them…. And they will forever be unhappy about everything. God bless them, but I will fight for them too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I would counter with it’s rather the Hillary supporters who don’t care that our democracy has been corrupted by the very person they want us to vote for come November. Do you think she cared anything for the rights of Iraqi women when she voted to invade? Or Syrian women? Or Libyan women? Or Honduran women? Do you suppose she was thinking of the environment when she pushed for Fracking around the world? As she takes millions from the fossil fuel industry? Do you suppose she was concerned for civil rights when she supported the crime bills, enhanced sentencing, private prisons, Patriot Act? I have no hate, other than at seeing our democracy stolen, bought, and corrupted. Hillary Clinton? She’s the epitome of a corrupt politician. How in the world could I ever endorse that?

      Liked by 1 person

    • I am sorry,.but I respectfully disagree. In all honesty,..Bernie supporters feel that HRC is simply a bad candidate. She is tainted in so many ways that she OUR opinion,..not a viable choice It has nothing to do about secretly hoping Clinton loses. We are EXTREMELY concerned,..becaue IF Hillary Clinton,.or Trump or Cruz win..then AMERICA loses. She has NO credibility. She speaks witha forked tongue,.and she is the opportunist seeking for her own glory. BERNIE SANDERS, trying to awaken all Americans to recognize that they are under attack..from an elite groupm of massively wealthy and influential people..the 1%,..who truly do not care…about anyone else.
      There is NOTHING wrong with gaining and accumulating wealth..on a huge scale. It is what you DO with your wealth that matters. PERCENTAGE -WISE..the wealthy do not help people. That is NOT to0 say that NONE do..but percentage is true.
      I am an Ordained Southern Baptist Minister,..and before that I was a know..the Bible guys..that give to school children and military personnell..and Nurses and Hotels etc.
      Whenever i would go to a small church..50 people or less, raise money for the Gudeons,..I would average about $3.00 per person..or about $150.00. That was great. When I went to larger churches with much more money,..I averaged about .65 cents per person. The GIFT may have been bigger due to the amout of people. But PERCENTAGE-WISE,.it was less that a THIRD of what was raised at the small churches.
      BERNIE SANDERS represents a movement..a` REVOLUTION,.that doesn’t hate anyone. We just feel that it is the responsibilty of every busines and corporation to pay a LIVING WAGE. If companies are making PROFITS..then the employees who are working hard to HELP make that profit,..deserve to be paid. YES..stock holders need to get compensated also. BUT,..not off the top. GREED is killing America. When the 1% have finally destroyed the 99%,..we shall see their wealth begin to disappear. IF you have no 99% to purchase the goods and services that are being offered,..then companies will CLOSE and go bankrupt. This is all foolishness. When there is a recession..the FIRST THING that happens is people get laid off. THAT..should NEVER be the case. In doing only EXACERBATE a situation and make it worse. All we need to do is ride out eh tougher times together,.and EVERYONE will be OK. I believe that we need a realistic salary range for employees..from the CEO to the Janitor. NO $65% more or harder than anyone else. there is NO PERSON…in ANY CEO position,.that deserves to be paid …if his employees are not taken care of equally well. How can WEALTHY people who KNOW that the people working for them are struggling, can they even LOOK IN THE MIRROR,..without vomiting.
      I hate greed. I always have.
      I am just a retired and disabled overseas in the Philippines. I have been an EXPAT since 2008,.amnd have lived many mnay places..mostly poor countries,..trying to share the Good News,..feed the hungry, the homeless, the poor. I wanted to do that in the USA,..but was not allowed to do so. WAY too many regulations to keep us from helping those who really need it. Money to Charities doesn’t always go where it was intended to go.
      I don’t feel HRC gives a good tinker’s damn about me or you or ANYONE. She and Bill and now Chelsea,..are only interested ion ONE THING…POWER. And by god..Hillary intends to have that POWER,..even in the face of a Criminal Indictment..that many of us feel is only a short time away from being issued. THEN…the republicans WILL have a field day…and possibly run the table . THAT would be a horror. BUT..HRC,..KNOWING that she broke the law,..and as well as SECURITY,..take offence when people mention that. And BERNIE,..has laid off that out of respect for an ONGOING FBI INVESTIGATION. I have trouble understanding the support for a woman who would throw you in the River without a float,.if it meant she might get one more vote,..or one more day.
      Personally..I think that anyone who votes for HRC,.is lacking a love for America..and Americans. I hope I am wrong..but i do feel that way.
      So…That is how I feel. I am definitelt a Bernie Sanders supporter. I voted for him in the Democrats Abroad Primary. I am hoping I can repeat that in November.
      I am NOT your enemy. I just seriously have a problem considering HRC. I never have liked the “lessr of two evils” scenario…ESPECIALLY,..when we have a candidate who is HONORABLE,..HONEST,.EXTREMELY CAPABLE,..and SIMPLY BETTER…THAN ANYONE ELSE RUNNING…and is someone who will help ALL Americans…starting from day ONE!!
      That is MY opinion. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Sanders Warns That His Supporters Will Not Automatically Support Clinton | Armory of the Revolution !!!**OLD MAN BERNIE SANDERS DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL OUR ELECTION … OR — WHO HIS SUPPORTERS WILL VOTE FOR … “”INDEE

  5. At the age of 62 and 42 years voting for blue and I am done, I have seen to much corruption on both sides of the aisle. I will keep donating to Bernie to make sure Progressives have a chance to get into our Congress and Senate. I feel if we vote for her we are telling our younger generation just to accept the bullshit that handed to you. #bernieorbust

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Well, I’m age 77 and I know Hillary’s history very well. I will not be voting for her in this election. Yesterday Hillary said , “I feel those who supported Bernie have a lot more in common with our views on issues than they are opposed.” Now, that did it for me!! Had she said, “I feel those who SUPPORT Bernie…..” The word “supported” means something in the past! The word “support” indicates something ongoing, still in effect.
    She’s a sneaky, insulting woman that constantly attempted to put Bernie down, who tries to put his campaign in the past, as if it were done and over.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I certainly do hope that Bernie Sanders runs as an independent becasue he has been treated terribly by the DNC and in my view, he owes them nothing! His supporters will not vote for Hillary. They will write in a vote or just drop out. No one wants her, so the DNC should get on board, because if our country falls it will be on the back of the DNC for making the wrong choice. Hillary voters will vote for Sanders, but Sanders voters will never vote for her.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Sanders Warns That His Supporters Will Not Automatically Support Clinton – USA INFO BOX

  9. You’re mad at Hillary for not supporting single payer? Hell, I oppose the move to a single payer health plan if such a move would be paid for and administered by tax dollars that are subject to the appropriations process and the EVIL “Hyde Amendment” We fought too long and too hard to secure control of our reproductive processes to have a bunch of Republikkans pass not just the current restrictions outlined in the Hyde Amendment (that gets attached to EVERY appropriations bill) … but any other wet dream restrictions they can imagine and impose. With all the “religious freedom” initiatives, we’ve already see how they’re attempting to prevent women from even having access to Birth Control Pills. How would you feel if you were infected by the Zika virus and ended up pregnant. Under the Hyde Amendment provisions, an abortion would be prohibited if you were covered by ANY plan paid for or administered with tax dollars. How you feel if your Republikkan legislator and his buddies decided to expand the Hyde Amendment to include prohibitions for all forms of birth control in coverages available to you … and then to add insult to injury, prohibited insurance companies from offering stand-alone plans? Think through what you’re asking for and does it make sense?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stop living in fear. There is a pill that obviates abortions. We need to make that pill quickly available to all who chooses. Sick of women wanting abortions to send their boys and girls to die in wars 20 years later.

      I am voting all ticket republican just so complacent democratic will get on the streest and fight.

      If you fought you did not fight enough.


  10. I will NOT vote for Hillary Clinton, she IS part of the problem. It’s Bernie Sanders or Bust for me! I am tired of voting for the lessor of two evils, Hillary Clinton is PURE EVIL. I am a lifelong Democrat that will become an Independent after this election, due to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a racist bigot, yet he’s still better than Hillary Clinton – neither are worthy to be President.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. The Revolution cannot be stopped… Expect us ☺ #Occupy #Anonoymous #BLM #BernieOrBust ✊ Power to the people. We will not forgive. We did not forget. We will not be silenced, we cannot be stopped ✊😡


  12. Are the Sanders supporters so juvenile that unless he wins the nomination they wont support the Democratic party winner. Most of his supporters just joined the band wagon as did he. Sanders has been a silent watcher for many years as has many of his supporters. Please know the race is not for the swiftest or loudness but for he/she who can endure and at times in silence.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sander supporters are majority independents, idealistic progressives, and have no so called *party loyalty*. We pay our taxes, and demand to vote for our candidate, but by having closed primaries you undermine the vast majority of the voting block. If it was an open primary in every state, Sanders would sweep Clinton. You don’t understand, WE are the majority and we won’t dismiss our ideals simply due to party lines. Sorry, but screw the DNC. We stand on ideals, and Hillary does not represent any of them.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Why would the Sanders supporters who are not Democrats worry about what happens to the Democratic Party? You seem to think the world revolves around the two major parties. There are more independents than there are Democrats or Republicans.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You idealistic progressive Bernie supporters are in for a very rude awakening if Trump and Paladino take the election. You’ll shoot yourselves in the foot to get Hillary back for legitimately winning the primary! How freaking stupid can one be? I think we’ll win without your support, but should we not, you enjoy the next four years under Trump and see how “progressive” he is. Eyeroll.


      • The political establishment is waging full a full court press against Donald Trump, providing political pundits and media talking heads with an unending supply of scurrilous content and propaganda aimed at taking Trump down.

        For decades, the Republican party has been a reliable mouthpiece for Wall Street, Big Oil, the military-industrial complex, et al. Rank and file voters had little control over the party or its leaders, and were frustrated that the only voice they had was through establishment politicians who paid lip service to their conservative social agendas.

        Trump has profoundly changed that dynamic. And in doing so has made enemies of all who cannot bribe or control him.

        Substantive evaluation of Trump’s positions has been obliterated in the rhetoric of establishment generated hysteria at the prospect of Trump becoming the Republican nominee, or, even worse for the establishment, the next president.

        The establishment has enlisted unthinking and easily manipulated people to protest Trump, disrupt his rallies, demonize his supporters, misrepresent his positions, and attempt to thwart his candidacy.

        Lost in the histrionics are some very interesting, and compelling, arguments why Trump should be considered by liberals to be a favorable alternative to Hillary Clinton.

        On both trade policy and military interventionism, Donald Trump is substantially to the left of Hillary Clinton.

        These are without question the most important issues in this election cycle, and certainly the most defining of the candidates.

        Trade agreements have done irreparable damage to the environment, closed 60,000 US factories, cost Americans millions of jobs, overridden US labor and environmental laws, and dramatically increased the slaughter of animals by making it easier and more profitable to do so without the inconvenience of complying with US animal cruelty standards (such as they are).

        On military interventionism, Trump opposes the US inserting itself in foreign civil wars, skirmishes and disputes, while Hillary Clinton has been a cheerleader for a neo-con US foreign policy that is indistinguishable from that of George W Bush.

        Hillary’s fingerprints are to be found on regime changes in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. All of which cost American treasure and foreign lives, many of whom were innocent women and children.

        In light of Hillary’s record as a neo-con hawk, and a supporter of almost all trade agreements she has weighed in on, liberal support for Clinton is a mystery.

        An even bigger mystery is how liberals are so easily manipulated by the media and the oligarchy to embrace their enemy and to demonize an ally.


      • For all those “lets see how you like seeing president trump” people we can easily turn that argument on it’s head. If Trump gets elected it won’t be because of Bernie but because the DNC rigged the game in favor of an unelectable candidate. She has far too much baggage, Trump will hammer her with every bit of it and people outside the “Queen $hillary” cult will not vote for her as a result.
        I find it amazing that when a $hill shill comments they go directly to insulting Sanders supporters (because that’s really going to win us over to your candidate. “Oh you’re right, i’m a moron. Yay Hillary!” Or you demand that we vote, not for her but against Trump. I have yet to see a single valid argument as to why I should vote FOR your candidate.

        Liked by 1 person

    • We do not purely vote based off party or fear. We vote for more then just Bernie himself as well. We vote for integrity and if we can not trust Hillary regardless of her policy then her integrity is tainted because of that lack of trust.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Michael Anthony is the $Hillary campaign so delusional that they believe the majority of Sanders supporters are Democrats? Many of those who were at the start of the race are no longer Dems, myself included, Many never were- some are republicans disillusioned by the clown car of Republicans. May have been Independent for years. As far as “joining the bandwagon” I’ve been a supporter of Sanders for years. The Democratic party no longer represents me. They’ve become “republican lite” I’m a progressive. By the way the constant name calling by $hillary trolls is not helping your cause.

      Liked by 2 people

      • The political establishment is waging full a full court press against Donald Trump, providing political pundits and media talking heads with an unending supply of scurrilous content and propaganda aimed at taking Trump down.

        For decades, the Republican party has been a reliable mouthpiece for Wall Street, Big Oil, the military-industrial complex, et al. Rank and file voters had little control over the party or its leaders, and were frustrated that the only voice they had was through establishment politicians who paid lip service to their conservative social agendas.

        Trump has profoundly changed that dynamic. And in doing so has made enemies of all who cannot bribe or control him.

        Substantive evaluation of Trump’s positions has been obliterated in the rhetoric of establishment generated hysteria at the prospect of Trump becoming the Republican nominee, or, even worse for the establishment, the next president.

        The establishment has enlisted unthinking and easily manipulated people to protest Trump, disrupt his rallies, demonize his supporters, misrepresent his positions, and attempt to thwart his candidacy.

        Lost in the histrionics are some very interesting, and compelling, arguments why Trump should be considered by liberals to be a favorable alternative to Hillary Clinton.

        On both trade policy and military interventionism, Donald Trump is substantially to the left of Hillary Clinton.

        These are without question the most important issues in this election cycle, and certainly the most defining of the candidates.

        Trade agreements have done irreparable damage to the environment, closed 60,000 US factories, cost Americans millions of jobs, overridden US labor and environmental laws, and dramatically increased the slaughter of animals by making it easier and more profitable to do so without the inconvenience of complying with US animal cruelty standards (such as they are).

        On military interventionism, Trump opposes the US inserting itself in foreign civil wars, skirmishes and disputes, while Hillary Clinton has been a cheerleader for a neo-con US foreign policy that is indistinguishable from that of George W Bush.

        Hillary’s fingerprints are to be found on regime changes in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. All of which cost American treasure and foreign lives, many of whom were innocent women and children.

        In light of Hillary’s record as a neo-con hawk, and a supporter of almost all trade agreements she has weighed in on, liberal support for Clinton is a mystery.

        An even bigger mystery is how liberals are so easily manipulated by the media and the oligarchy to embrace their enemy and to demonize an ally.


    • To those who claim that the Primary system isn’t “voting,” I say this: As a taxpaying American Citizen, I reject the notion of being channeled into a situation where my franchise is dependent on the principle of party over person. This primary system only exists to benefit the parties and allows them to maintain control – even Wasserman admitted that much. It is wrong, slimy and undemocratic – my vote is not dependent on party. It’s dependent on my status as an American Taxpayer. We are going to work together to overturn this legalized voter suppression scheme that only benefits the two-party democratic fascist construct. Democracy to this point in American History has been a LIE, and we are beginning to wake up and see how limitless the parties have been exercising their control over the American People. TILL HERE, NO FURTHER.


    • Are the Clinton voters so stupid that they would vote or a neoliberal and crook who will be impeached if she happens to beat Trump? OMG yes, they are.


    • I wouldn’t call it juvenile. I would call it more like standing up for what you truly believe in rather than caving to continuing corruption which gets worse and worse as each year goes by.

      But she certainly isn’t winning any popularity contests when she, her campaign people, and her supporters, all openly insult Bernie supporters on a daily basis with words such as, “unintelligent”, “misinformed”, “uneducated” … oh and, “juvenile”.

      Aw, that’s sweet. Hillary called me an uneducated idiot child? And I’m 43? Well gee, where do I sign up to vote for her?!

      This is a grown woman running around telling half the country to literally f**k off – the half the country who is supposed to then just up and blindly “vote blue” after she questionably beats Bernie in the Democratic primaries?

      And you want to call THEM juveniles for not wanting to vote her right in? Are you kidding me man?

      Look, it’s her own fault. All she’s doing is alienating more voters who didn’t like her policies to begin with, when she should be kissing up to them.

      And just a side note – I’m oh so-tired-I-could-vomit-actual-blood of the assumption that all pro-Bernie supporters are 18-20 years old and know not of what they speak of, or that they don’t know any better because they haven’t lived in the real world long enough(neither of which assumption is true about them by the way).

      I HAVE been around long enough. And I’ve personally, in living color, watched this country go right down the toilet due to government corruption and back room deals. I know exactly how this all works.

      If you take anything with you from this conversation let it be this… You don’t have to be an certain age or a specific demographic to be a Bernie supporter – you just have to be not blind, not pro-corruption, and fed up with bullsh*t.

      Liked by 1 person

    • If it’s juvenile to refuse to vote for an establishment candidate that is willing to win an election in any underhanded way needed then yes I am that juvenile. 43% of voters identify themselves as Independents this election, that’s almost as much as the combined numbers still in the old parties. Wonder why? Because voters are done accepting corrupt choices like Clinton. She has not earned nor will she receive many of these Independents votes. The truth of the matter is in the election with this electorate she is not electable and you will see that at a contested convention she will not get the nomination.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Honestly, it’s not about immaturity. It’s about critical thinking and taking one stance, principles, and morals seriously. Blindly following a party’s decision, blindly, without thinking, is the very mark of juvenility. And understand this, a large part of Sanders supports were never Democrats to begin with, but simply registered as Democrat to vote in the primary. If he does not win the primary, DNC commands no loyalty over those people, they will switch back to independent as soon as primary is over. The DNC would be foolish to count on those votes for Hillary, this is what DNC/Hillary supporters don’t understand. Sanders supporters were never Pro DNC/Anti GOP, they were simply Pro Sanders, if you think otherwise, then that is establishment thinking/lack of critical thinking.

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    • The people that you are speaking about aren’t juvenile. Voting for someone you don’t believe in is Juvenile. When congress has operated with a 10% approval rating for a decade, voting has not changed that. These Bernie supporters have not participated because there has been no one to believe in. No one willing to change the United States from an Oligarchy back to a democracy. I will support Bernie Sanders, I will never Support Hillary. I don’t care about the Democratic party, and I hope it burns to the ground. What have done in this election is an atrocity to democracy. They don’t support the people, they showed the people just how much they could give a shit about what the people say and want. When Senator Sanders won a state by 20%, and the Super Delegates decided in their wisdom to say fuck you to the people by awarding more delegates to HRC than Bernie, they lost all credibility. Make no mistake, they are not for the people, they are for their own self interests, even more than the atrocious republican party.
      The Bernie Supporters are on the edge of oblivion. Watching this nation burn itself to the ground while shoveling more wealth and more power into a small minority. The wealthy did not earn their wealth, they exploited a broken system allowing them to accrue billions off of the suffering of others. When the vast majority of the world lives in abject poverty, while these mega corporations and mega wealthy can buy whole countries, there is a serious problem. There is a myth in our world that somehow these wealthy individuals worked hard for their money, this is a lie.
      The Definition of work, according physics, is the amount energy used to displace an object some distance over time. It falls in line with the Conservation of Energy. Human beings follow the same rules as Nature. The Amount of Energy put into a System should equal the amount of energy returned by said system. It needs balance. Roughly speaking, every human being is nearly equal in every respect, including work performance. Additionally, there are only 24 hours in a day, creating a limitation on how much time an individual can work. So mathematically speaking, one human being may be capable of performing at 150% efficiency over another human being. As such, the maximum difference between one persons earning potential and another person, should at most, be 150% of what another person makes. In our system, this is not the case. One human being is capable of earning exponentially more income than another, in other words, they receive more energy back than they are putting into the system. That energy has to come from somewhere, and it comes from you and me. So they did not earn a billion times more than you or I, they stole that energy from us through greed, exploitation and theft.
      Now, these wealthy are a serious problem because the whole world will dead in two generations if we continue down the direction we are headed. So we have no choice but to fight now. Hillary Clinton is one of these wealthy people. She won’t defend you, or me, because she is among the elite who have greatly benefited from the current status quo. She is part of the top 5% of the Nation. These people are so far removed from the Nature reality for common people that they are unable to comprehend the nature of the average human being. In fact, it’s a proven fact that wealth causes essentially, narcissism and sociopath behavior. So you go ahead and vote for Hillary, but you will only have yourself to blame when your grand kids ask you why you destroyed the Earth. Why you let evil reign supreme while millions around you suffered and died. HRC is part of the great evil that our society has become, may God help us all in these dark times. There is hope in Bernie, there is no hope in HRC.

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    • Hillary is a warmonger. she doesn’t believe in transparency in government and support corrupt political system. Why would I vote for a person who has track record of lies and deceit.


    • I am a Bernie supporter and believe that Democratic party is controlled by big money people and Hillary is their representative. They are stealing election from American people. They did in Arizona and now in NY.


    • At the age of 62 and 42 years voting for blue and I am done, I have seen to much corruption on both sides of the aisle. I will keep donating to Bernie to make sure Progressives have a chance to get into our Congress and Senate. I feel if we vote for her we are telling our younger generation just to accept the bullshit that handed to you. #bernieorbust


    • “Most of Sanders supporters” did NOT just join the “bandwagon.” MANY had been either Independent or Republican and chose to go Dem JUST for Sanders. So no, chances are great that she will not get the support of those people. Myself, I had been a Dem throughout my adult life (now 49) and I changed parties immediately after the primary in my state. I will not vote for her, and I will not stay in a party so full of corruption. “Juvenile” is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome.


    • I have been a democrat staunchly for 23 years. I take offense to you suggesting I’m new or on a bandwagon. My parents even longer than me. Also Sanders supporters. If HRC stays silent on voter suppression. And won’t listen to our agenda. That 50% of the party wants. Then she gets what she gets. No one is the Democratic party owes HRC their vote. Especially because she is so beholden to big money . Something Sanders has proved you can run with out. You know the thing we Democrats vilify the Republicans for. Guess what independents vote in November. Do you think it was fair they have no say in April? If our party wants to start excluding willing participants from voting. Then it is no longer a democratic party that I recognize. And I like millions of others may choose to leave. If our party won’t represent us. We will find one that will. We don’t owe you or the Democratic party one damn thing.


    • what band wagon did Sanders and his supporters just join?? And what is the value of silence? Sanders has always been mighty vocal. I haven’t the foggiest idea what you mean. I’ve been following Bernie’s career for years before he announced his candidacy and his vision is obviously most in line with the democratic party. I truly believe that he has always been an independent to avoid the compromise pitfalls of party association. I appreciate that because I don’t want to compromise on the health of my fellow Americans or the health of the planet.


    • I think we all are aware that Bernie’s peeps will not support Hillary. I am not sure that they are aware that Hillary’s peeps are pretty well done with Bernie too. Hillary may be willing to let bygones be bygones, but we are not going to forget. Bernie could have run as an Independent on the New York ballot as they are one of the few states that recognize that party. He chose to run as a Democrat and then whined about Independents not being allowed to vote.


      • Speaking for myself, and I think this is true of many Sanders supporters, we have never figured on $hillary’s “peeps” backing Bernie. If they had the intelligence to require that a candidate had integrity, they’d have been a Bernie “peep” all along.


      • They said the same exact thing when Obama won the nomination. And guess what. They flip-flopped on that stance too, just like they’re so called leader.


  13. Pingback: Sanders Warns That His Supporters Will Not Automatically Support Clinton | carlantoine

  14. I will not support or vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination. I lived through the Clinton administration and don’t trust Hillary because that would just be a repeat performance from both of them. No Thanks. The Party has made it known since day 1 that they want Hillary as their nominee and have led a nasty campaign against Bernie and the other candidates. So good bye Democratic Party! I am going with the other progressives and looking for a new party.

    Liked by 2 people

      • 3rd party? That would be a disaster, as Trump would be elected if there were a split ticket. But that’s ok with you – you kinda want Trump anyway.


      • Why not just write in Bernie Sanders? You don;t have to vote for Donald Trump if you do not want to vote for Hillary.


      • My goal is to defeat Hillary if she is the nominee. And Trump is preferable to her on trade and military interventionism. My priority is minimizing the Animal Holocaust, which will expand under Hillary and would diminish under Sanders or Trump, as they both oppose trade agreements.


      • consider Jill Stein green party….she has the same platform as Bernie, but because she is not part of the corrupt 2 party system she gets no media coverage….which is the same reason Bernie did not run as an independent in the first place.


      • Hillary is the warmonger. She has supported every military incursion committed by the US. Remember her dodging sniper fire in Bosnia? She believes in military interventionism. Her foreign policy views are indistinguishable from those of W and Dick Cheney. She wants to provoke a military confrontation with Russia with a no-fly zone. She supported regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. She defended the military coups in Honduras and Ukraine. After massive donations to the Clinton Foundation, as Secretary of State she approved arms sales to countries around the world, lining the coffers of the military-industrial establishment and arms manufacturers. Her position of Israel is more hawkish than is Donald Trump’s. She is evil and dangerous.


      • Haha, no. You are the problem. The country is rebelling against the establishment, and if the DNC won’t respect the countries voters then we’ll let you burn with Trump. Maybe, it’ll take a horrible mistake like him to wake you people up.


      • We have a vision, it’s just screwing Bernie out of voters and purging voters, limiting poll locations, malfunctioning computers and Hillary winning under shady circumstances don’t help. Then you expect us Bernie supporters to fall in line and vote Democrat when you’ve been belittling or ignoring our movement and ideas. Plus, at least Trump won his primary clean…without controversy. I’m writing Bernie in, and if Trump wins too bad. Maybe he might help the country out.


      • I have both vision and discernment. I expect my candidate to have integrity- which is clearly not something that you feel is a priority. #HillNo #BernieorBust


      • Actually we have perfect vision!
        Momma said : don’t lie, don’t cheat, and don’t steal,
        I’ll take momma over someone who does everything I was taught not to.
        That person you uphold with such esteem, has no moral compass, blood of men women and children on her hands, and laughs it off. So if anything, I feel tremendous sorrow for you, following so merrily along with the Devils agent. Have a good day.


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