Secretary of the Interior Donald Trump, Jr.

The revolving door between industry and government is common to both Republican and Democratic administrations. Bankers are appointed to Treasury, Big Oil lobbyists go to Energy and Transportation, Big Ag alums and executives get appointed to Interior and Agriculture, Big Pharma controls the FDA and the National Institutes of Health, the military industrial complex gets…

Feminists Who Condone Rape!

Rape, slavery, infanticide. Such is the dairy industry, If any human beings on Earth should identify with the suffering of cows and their babies, it should be those who advocate against the rape and enslavement of women, and the murder of their children. However, there is a deafening silence from feminists and women’s advocates about…

Thought Of The Day. July 28, 2016

Instead of posting status updates on Facebook, I am now posting each apothegm, thought, observation, and witticism, here, as a Thought Of The Day. Status updates on Facebook disappear into the ether and cannot be relocated by readers. Before you leave, please take a moment to follow this blog by clicking on Follow in the…

There Are Three Animal Movements

In a nutshell, there are three schools of thought among animal activists: The Animal Protectionist View: Animals are going to be enslaved, brutalized and murdered into the foreseeable future. We owe than them all we can do to alleviate as much suffering as we can. This view encompasses the overwhelming majority of the animal movement.…

The Most Kick Ass Blog Online

Do you support Animal Rights? Animal protection? Are you an environmentalist? Do you advocate for human rights? For social and economic justice? For animal liberation? For freedom of conscience? If so, you belong here. This blog is dedicated to social justice and animal liberation, to freedom of thought and universal rights. It is the only…

PETA: People Executing Terrified Animals

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals kills animals. Tens of thousands of them. By their own admissions. PETA is not an animal rights organization, nor are they an animal protection organization. PETA is an anti-animal suffering organization. Ingrid Newkirk, who runs the operation, believes that eliminating the possibility of animal suffering is more important…