All Religions Suck. But Islam Sucks More Than Most.

Whether radical Islamic terrorists are distinguishable from mainstream Muslims depends upon your species. A sheep, goat, or a camel whose throat is being cut in Halal slaughter or Islamic sacrifice is just as terrified, in just as much pain, and just as murdered as is an American journalist or a Syrian refugee having his throat…

Will Democrats Nominate a War Criminal, Again?

Will the Democratic party again nominate a war criminal over a progressive? The last time a war criminal and a progressive contested the Democratic nomination was in 1968 when Eugene McCarthy was rejected in favor of Hubert Humphrey by the Democratic establishment. Predictably, the country got Richard Nixon. The Democrats appear ready to drink hemlock…

How to Start a Revolution

The most radical elements within the animal movement are thought to be liberationists. I know and respect Ronnie Lee, the founder of the ALF (Animal Liberation Front), but critics of animal liberationists correctly argue that the few animals released or facilities damaged really accomplish little and cost the movement a great deal in lost activists,…

Terrorism is Violence Against the Innocent. Revolution is Violence Against the Guilty.

By definition, terrorism is violence against the innocent. Terrorist organizations hope to influence the actions of governments by paralyzing populaces with fear and uncertainty. We see these tactics employed by jihadist Muslims, right wing hate groups, and radical separatists. Government response, predictably, is repression and fascist legislation. Voices of reason and of tolerance are drowned…

Thought Of The Day. February 2, 2016

Instead of posting status updates on Facebook, I am now posting each apothegm, thought, observation, and witticism, here, as a Thought Of The Day. Status updates on Facebook disappear into the ether and cannot be relocated by readers. Before you leave, please take a moment to follow this blog by clicking on Follow in the…