Speciesism and Mental Masturbation

Speciesism is the most evil concept ever concocted by humans. It is racism on steroids. It is the justification for all cruelty to animals. It is the excuse for the most obscene atrocities. It is the belief that humans are superior to all other life. Given the depravity and evilness of the concept, one would…

Thought Of The Day. December 24, 2015

Instead of posting status updates on Facebook, I will instead be posting apothegms, thoughts, observations, and witticisms here, as a Thought Of The Day. Status updates on Facebook disappear into the ether and cannot be relocated by readers. Before you leave, please take a moment to follow this blog by clicking on Follow in the…

Thought Of The Day. December 23, 2015

Instead of posting status updates on Facebook, I will instead be posting apothegms, thoughts, observations, and witticisms here, as a Thought Of The Day. Status updates on Facebook disappear into the ether and cannot be relocated by readers. Before you leave, please take a moment to follow this blog by clicking on Follow in the…

How Speciesism Infects Animal Activists

Speciesism is the belief that one species of sentient beings is more deserving of life than are other sentient beings. It is a belief shared by almost the entire human race in regard to human life versus all other life. Speciesism is the most evil belief in history. It has caused more suffering and death…