The Animals Need A Revolution

Intersectionalism is the convergence of common interests. On the left it is the commonality of opposition to oppression by the victims of bigotry, capitalism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc. Included among the victims of capitalism are animals. And animal activists should be an integral part of the political left. Most on the left, however, rather than espousing…

The Conscience Of A Revolutionary

Historically, revolutions occur when government oppression is sufficiently severe to cause the oppressed to take up arms against the oppressors. The American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Bolshevik Revolution are all such examples. No oppression in human history begins to rival the horrors that are inflicted upon animals under capitalism. Sixty billion animals are…

How Important Are Animals To You?

If you are reading this you most likely consider yourself to be an animal activist, or you care about animals. But the question is posed to demonstrate that not all animal activists are as committed to animals as are others. Some animal activists are political conservatives. As such, while they may care about animals, their…

What We Must Do While Waiting For Revolution

There are not yet enough animal activists and revolutionaries to burn down the slaughterhouses and storm the halls of government. Not enough of us to take over the corporate offices of the animal slaughter industries and arrest the boards of directors. Not enough revolutionaries to occupy Wall Street and arrest the criminals who control the…

The Animals Are Losing

We are losing. The animals are losing. Not eating them has no more affect on ending slaughter than not watching porn hinders the porn industry. People are having children faster than we are creating vegans. The Animal Holocaust is anticipated to grow in size and scope. Over a billion animals have their throats cut every…

Conservatives, Big Ag, and Antibiotics

Most all calls for reducing antibiotics in farmed animals are based upon their effects on humans consuming cattle. The amounts of antibiotics consumed by carnists is alarming, and is raising concerns about drug resistant bacteria. But animal activists should be leading the charge against antibiotics being given to cattle, pigs, and chickens. Big Ag uses…

Campaigns, Voting, And Burning Down Slaughterhouses

Campaigns to impact animal slaughter by “voting with one’s dollars” are doomed to failure. While all of us vegans refrain from buying animal corpses and products made from them, the rest of society around the world is throwing money at animal producers and animal products. Demand for animal carcasses continues to explode. Industry and financial…