The Clueless, Rudderless, Disorganized, Ineffective, Pathetic, Animal Movement

The modern animal movement is commonly dated from the publication of Peter Singer’s “Animal Liberation” in 1975. I take exception to that demarcation, as I have been an animal activist since 1958. In any event, the movement has been working for decades to end animal suffering. Most efforts have been aimed at rescuing cats and…

My Neighbors, The Murderers

Societal changes are glacially slow. Four hundred years of slavery in America. Five hundred years before women could vote. And the enslavement, exploitation, and murder of animals since the Dawn of Time. Each day One Hundred Fifty Million animals are brutally murdered in slaughterhouses. Six million per hour. One hundred thousand while you read these…

Thought Of The Day. March 11, 2016

Instead of posting status updates on Facebook, I am now posting each apothegm, thought, observation, and witticism, here, as a Thought Of The Day. Status updates on Facebook disappear into the ether and cannot be relocated by readers. Before you leave, please take a moment to follow this blog by clicking on Follow in the…

Hillary Rodham Chameleon

Progressives supported Obama believing we would really see change in government. Instead we got TPP (the Trans Pacific Partnership), Wall Street lobbyists appointed to almost every agency in Washington, Monsanto executives at Agriculture, Big Oil hacks in Energy and Commerce, Big Bank operatives running Treasury, Big Pharma controlling the FDA, Big Ag calling the shots…

PETA: People Executing Terrified Animals

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals kills animals. Tens of thousands of them. By their own admissions. PETA is not an animal rights organization, nor are they an animal protection organization. PETA is an anti-animal suffering organization. Ingrid Newkirk, who runs the operation, believes that eliminating the possibility of animal suffering is more important…

Animal Rights 101

“Animal Rights” is a much used term. One that is as common as it is misunderstood. Many, if not most, animal activists are unclear on what Animal Rights means. It is usually used in an exclamatory context to emphasize one’s support for animal issues or to oppose animal cruelty and exploitation. But one can be…

How To Be A More Effective Animal Activist

There is only so much time in a day, only so many days in our lives. Do not waste one precious minute of your life arguing with people who defend eating meat, wearing fur, or voting for conservatives. If they are opposed to your position on animals, stop right there! It is a stupid waste…

On Offending Friends

My purpose online, indeed, my purpose in life, is to radicalize the animal movement. Animal Rights has been my full time avocation for twenty years. I am not here for self-aggrandizement or personal popularity. I run campaigns and my blog out of own pocket. Everything I do is for the animals. And i have enough…