Donald Trump’s Life Is at Risk!

CHARLESTON, SC - FEBRUARY 22: Reality TV host and New York real estate mogul Donald Trump speaks during the Republican Society Patriot Dinner at the Citadel Military College on February 22, 2015 in Charleston, South Carolina. Trump and U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) were honored at the annual event. (Photo by Richard Ellis/Getty Images)

CHARLESTON, SC – FEBRUARY 22: Reality TV host and New York real estate mogul Donald Trump speaks during the Republican Society Patriot Dinner at the Citadel Military College on February 22, 2015 in Charleston, South Carolina. Trump and U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) were honored at the annual event. (Photo by Richard Ellis/Getty Images)

Trump is in danger!

Not because of his positions on illegal immigration or women’s issues.

But because Donald Trump threatens the fascist state.

Donald Trump is the most dangerous man in America to the powers that be. His campaign is seditious to the oligarchs. He threatens to bring down the entire system of political bribery, lobbyists, and corporate control of government.

I’m sure that is not his goal or intention. But his position that he cannot be bought and is too rich to steal could undo the entire capitalist system of owning government.

His appeal to racist populists, and to the frustrated, the ignorant, the uninformed, and the unreasoning, captures the attention of the media and the incredulity of the pundits.

But the real story is Trump’s appeal to those who are tired of politicians groveling at the feet of billionaires and corporations, of candidates selling their souls to the highest bidders, of Senators and Members of Congress turning deaf ears to constituents when lobbyists pull their strings.

While news reports tout Trump’s pronouncements on illegal immigrants and border walls, they ignore the fact that Trump could sabotage corporate control of government.

Pundits prognosticate on what will stop Trump, on whether he will be in the race for the long haul, on whether he will be in the lead in New Hampshire or Iowa in six months.

I wonder if he will be alive in six months.

If they cannot ridicule him into silence I would not be surprised if they shoot him into silence.

Trump is more dangerous to Wall Street, to billionaires, to Big Oil, to Big Ag, to Big Pharma, than anyone on Earth.

He is bigger threat to the Big Banks and to Wall Street than is Bernie Sanders. Not because he is advocating breaking up the banks or instituting a Robin Hood tax on securities transactions, but because he is calling out Bush and Clinton on being puppets of the people who finance them.

The oligarchs believe they can contain Sanders and orchestrate Hillary’s nomination.

And if the Republican race were to play out true to form, they would have a hand-picked stooge as the Republican nominee.

Instead, they have an uncontrollable, unintimidated, irreverent, loose canon in the person of The Donald.

And nothing they have done to belittle, marginalize, ridicule, attack, dismiss, or ignore him has worked.

If he continues to stymie the oligarchs, I worry for his safety.

Even if Trump is not the Republican nominee, his rhetoric against billionaire donors will continue to resonate in the public consciousness.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Which makes Donald Trump one of my best friends.

12 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s Life Is at Risk!

  1. Why not let the people take back our country, as it is obvious those lobbyists don’t have a clue and could care less, just so long as there is something to lobby about!! We don’t need lobbyists telling us who to vote for, but doesn’t matter, because in the end, OUR VOTES MEAN NOTHING AND IT’S THE DELEGATES WHO CHOOSE THE PRESIDENT!!


  2. Pingback: Trump’s Position On Lobbyists Trumps His Other Positions | Armory of the Revolution

  3. Any comments on Bernie Sanders for Pres? Although Trump is stronger, more powerful and a threat to the powers that be and the establishment, Bernie has filed some legislation for protecting animals and the environment. Although it doesn’t go nearly as far as it should, it is the most I’ve seen in respect to other pols.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great article, I had some of the same thoughts. Trump is a wakeup call to the vast majority of disgruntled people of this country. It is like a sleeping giant has awakened. I have no awareness of his platform but he is certainly more interesting, even comical at times, and brings some enthusiasm to the table, especially against the mainstrean 1 percenters. Like he says, he is already filthy rich; he doesn’t need to cater to anyone. Such a dichotomy. I look forward to the next debates.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hardly. The fascist state is a merger of government and corporate power. Trump is the antithesis of that. He is advocating upending the power structure, ignoring lobbyists, taking influence away from the donors.


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